The purpose of the social media calendar is to help you have content for your social media channels that is not just sales posts. The calendar aims to help you produce authentic content that gives a more human approach to marketing. By posting fewer sales posts and engaging more with your audience, you are helping them have a positive brand experience which can benefit the business in the future.

January social media holidays
February social media holidays
March social media holidays
April social media holidays
May social media holidays
June social media holidays
July social media holidays
August social media holidays
September social media holidays
October social media holidays
November social media holidays
December social media holidays

LOCALiQ FREE Paid Search Benchmark Report

2023 Social Media Calendar and Template

Contains all of the key UK dates, plus an editable template for you to track your social campaigns.

How to use the free social media calendar download

The social media calendar can be effective in getting your audience to interact with your brand online. You can encourage your customers to join in the fun days by asking them to send in some images and use a particular hashtag or even just ask their opinion on something.

Our free social media calendar download pack includes a yearly calendar as well as an Excel template that you can edit and customise for your business.

You can download your 2023 social media calendar and template here!

It’s not just customers you want to engage, by engaging your staff in your marketing strategies and using them in the social media days, they will feel connected to the brand, and they will feel valued. Your staff are also more likely to share the posts they are in which also means more exposure!

It’s not just posting pictures of your staff though. There are plenty of charity days happening throughout the year. Why not donate to a charity or hold a couple of fundraising events? Again, these CSR efforts can help show your business in a positive light.

Not all days here will be suitable for all industries, so you can pick and choose what dates you want to use. For example, there are several food ones such as Veganuary or ‘eat what you want’ day, and these would be great for any food establishment.

January social media holidays 2023

January is abundant with great social media dates you can take advantage of. These are a few of our favourites.

January 2023 calendar

Dry January – Great if you plan to have an alcohol-free month and helps with the new year’s resolution of drinking less.
Veganuary – A month dedicated to veganism and its health benefits of it.

1st New Year’s Day – Time to start the new year as you mean to go on! #NewYearsDay
2ndSubstitute Bank holiday (New Year’s Day) – #BankHoliday
2ndNational Science Fiction Day#ScienceFictionDay
2ndWorld Introvert Day#WorldIntrovertDay
3rd Festival of sleep day – While this may be the 1st day back at work for many, we still need to encourage good sleep.
4th – World Braille Day#WorldBrailleDay
4thNational Trivia Day – A day for sharing interesting and random facts. #NationalTriviaDay
5thTwelfth Night – Time to make sure all those decorations are packed away!
6thNational Technology Day – Celebrate the past and present of technology and look to what the future holds.
10th National Houseplant Appreciation Day#HouseplantAppreciationDay
10thNational Cut Your Energy Costs Day – With the rising cost of living and looming recession, can your business offer any tips to cut costs? #CutYourEnergyCostsDay
11thHeritage Treasures Day – Learn or teach others about the local heritage. #HeritageTreasures
16thBlue Monday – Apparently the most depressing day of the year. #BlueMonday
19th – Get to Know Your Customers DayHow well do businesses know their customers? You could try polling them to find out more about them.#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
20thNational Cheese Lovers Day#CheeseLoversDay
22ndChinese New Year – It’s the year of the rabbit. #ChineseNewYear
25thBurns Night – Celebrate the life and poetry of Robert Burns
28thData Privacy Day – Something everyone needs to be aware of these days. #DataPrivacyDay #PrivacyAware

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

February social media holidays 2023

Moving on from January to the month of love. You are going to be seeing lots of pinks and reds this month, but there is more to February than romance and love hearts.

February social media calendar

6th – 12thChildren’s Mental Health Week – This year’s theme is Let’s Connect. This focuses on how children (and adults) can make meaningful connections.

1stDignity Action Day#DAD2023
2ndTime to Talk Day – All businesses can get involved on this day and talk about the benefits of talking about any mental health issues. If you have employee assistance programs, then that is also worth a mention. #TimeToTalk
4th World Cancer Day – A day to raise awareness of cancer and encourage detection and treatment. #WorldCancerDay
6thNational Sickie Day – Statistics suggest today is the day that people are most likely to pull a sickie!
7th Safer Internet Day – This year’s theme is Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online. #SID2023 #SaferInternetDay2023
12thSuper Bowl LVII – The most expensive advertising slot in the world. #SuperBowl #SuperBowlSunday #SuperBowl2023
13thGalentines Day – A day for women to celebrate their friendships with their female friends. #Galentines
14thValentine’s Day#ValentinesDay #Valentine
17thRandom Acts of Kindness Day – We love this one, we all get the chance to do one random act of kindness, a great way to show your business in a positive light. #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
20thLove Your Pet Day – Cute pets can help to sell almost anything! #LoveYourPetDay
21stPancake Day/Shrove Tuesday#Pancakes
22ndAsh WednesdayFirst day of lent
28th – Rare Diseases Day#ShareYourColours

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

March social media holidays 2023

At the end of the month, we can move our clocks forward an hour and start having longer, lighter days again.
March is a bumper month for charity-themed months, and these month-long themed events can make excellent opportunities for businesses to raise funds for charities, whilst encouraging team building, and also creating opportunities for social media posts that can not only help your engagement, but further boost awareness of the fundraising initiatives too.

March social media calendar

Marie Curie’s Daffodil Appeal – Marie Curie take to the streets and sell their daffodil badges all to raise money.
Cancer Research’s Walk All Over Cancer – 10,000 steps a day for a month!
The British Heart Foundation also have a Dechox where people are encouraged to go without chocolate for a month.
100 Miles for Mind – Get active and raise funds for Mind.

17th – 26thEnglish Tourism Week – If you are a tourism business, this week should help you promote your services. Get posting on social media and use #EnglishTourismWeek to increase your reach.
23rd March – 21st AprilRamadan 

1stSt David’s Day – A Welsh day to celebrate everything Welsh.  #DyddGwylDewiSant #SaintDavidsDay
2ndWorld Book Day – Visit a library or settle down with your favourite book.  #WorldBookDay
2ndUniversity Mental Health Day#UniversityMentalHealthDay
8th International Women’s Day – Celebrate women’s achievement and #EmbraceEquality. #IWD #InternationalWomensDay
8thNo Smoking Day – Annual event to help smokers who want to quit. If you are in the health industry or even sell products that help people quit smoking, you want to promote your services today.
14th Pi Day – The date is 3.14 (or pi).
17thSt Patricks Day – Embrace all the beauty from the emerald Isle. #StPatricksDay
17th Red Nose Day/Comic Relief – Everyone loves to see businesses raise money for charity. #RND #RedNoseDay
18th Global Recycling Day – This year’s theme is creative innovation.
19thMother’s Day – Show your mothers how much you love them on Mother’s Day. #MotherDay #MotheringSunday
20thInternational Day of Happiness – What makes you happy? Why not post a positive message? Or have a surprise sale to brighten up your customer’s day. #InternationalDayof Happiness
25thEarth Hour – For one hour a year WWF encourages everyone to switch off the lights for an hour. #EarthHour
31stTransgender Day of Visibility – The #IAmEnough campaign has acceptance as its theme. #TDOV #TransDayOfVisibility

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

April social media holidays 2023

Easter provides a bumper bank holiday weekend this month, as well as an opportunity to encourage staff members to share pictures of their pets, what’s not to like?

April social media calendar

Stress Awareness Month – This has been going on for 21 years now and aims to raise awareness of stress and its negative consequences.
National Pet Month – #NationalPetMonth

1stApril Fool’s Day – time to get pranking! #AprilFools
1stFun at Work Day – Why not give your followers a glimpse into your business and show your team having fun?
2ndWorld Autism Awareness Day – Dedicated to helping raise awareness of autism. #WAAD #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
7thWorld Health Day – Today marks the anniversary of the World Health Organisation (WHO), founded in 1948. #WorldHealthDay
7thGood Friday
9thEaster Sunday
10thBank Holiday
11thNational Pet Day
17thHaiku Poetry Day – Haiku’s are such fun, I really like to write them, here is one for you! #HaikuPoetryDay
20th – Get to Know Your Customers Day – How well do you know your customers? #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
21stEid al-Fitr – The end of the month-long fast of Ramadan
22ndEarth Day – The 50th anniversary of the event with this year’s theme being “Restore our Earth” #EarthDay2023
23rdSt George’s Day – The patrol saint of England is remembered on this day.
30thHonesty Day – Time to be honest and have some open conversations

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

May social media holidays 2023

A bumper month for bank holidays. April gave us a long Easter weekend, and May will be giving us 3 bank holidays (early May day, the Spring bank holiday, and the coronation of King Charles III).

May social media calendar

National Walking Month – All the benefits of walking.
Action on Stroke Month – again you can use this opportunity to fundraise for a worthy cause and share your efforts on social media.

9th – 22nd – Foster Care FortnightIf you work within this sector, use this time to help spread the message about how important fostering is.
15th – 23rdMental Health Awareness Week#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
16th – 22ndNational Vegetarian Week#Vegetarian

1stEarly May Bank Holiday#Bank Holiday
4thStar Wars Day#MayTheForthBeWithYou
5thStar Wars DayRevengeOfTheFifth
5th – Cinco de Mayo – A Mexican yearly celebration. #CincoDeMayo
6thCoronation of King Charles III – All eyes will be on Westminster Abbey for the King’s coronation.
7thLaughter Day – Time to get the nation laughing.
8th – Coronation of King Charles III Bank Holiday.
9thEurope Day – Celebrating peace in Europe. #EuropeDay
11thEat What You Want Day – Give in to the sweet tooth and enjoy some guilt-free goodies! #EatWhatYouWant
12thFibromyalgia Awareness Day – One of the least understood illnesses that affect 1 in 20 people. #FibromyalgiaAwarenessDay
12thNational Limerick Day
17thInternational Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBT) – Recognising and stopping all forms of abuse against the LGBT community. #IDAHOBT
20thWorld Bee Day – Save the bees! #WorldBeeDay
29thSpring Bank Holiday. #BankHoliday
30thNational Creativity Day – A day to celebrate everything creative (and be creative). #NationalCreativityDay
31st – National Smile Day – Say cheese! See if you can get a selfie of your cheesiest grin! #NationalSmileDay

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

June social media holidays 2023

Halfway through the year, it’s summertime and the weather is warming up. This month is Pride month where we celebrate our LGBTQIA+ family.

June social media calendar

6th – 12thCarers Week – If you work in the care industry why not use this time to highlight some of the wonderful things your carers do? You can post on social media, send an email with lots of updates, or even have some featured blogs on your website. #CarersWeek

2ndNational Fish & Chip Day – There is nothing batter than this seaside treat!
5thWorld Environment Day – A UN initiative that encourages awareness and action around environmental issues. #WorldEnvironmentDay
5thThank You Day – Give thanks to your employees, your customers, and anyone you want to! #ThankYouDay
8thBest Friends Day – Time to celebrate with your special friends who are always there for us. #BestFriendsDay
8thWorld Ocean Day – Oceans cover 70% of our planet, so we are reliant on oceans to live. #WorldOceanDay
9thSchool Business Leaders Day – #SBLO2023 or even give some #SBLKudos
14thWorld Blood Donor Day – Thank all those who have given blood and saved countless lives #WorldBloodDonorDay
15thBeer Day#CheersToBeer
18thFather’s Day – Time to celebrate the dads in our lives. #FathersDay
20thWorld Refugee Day – Celebrate the strength and courage of those who have fled their home countries. #WorldRefugeeDay
21stNational Selfie Day – Time to take a selfie or 2 and pop them on your brand’s social media. #NationalSelfieDay, #SelfieDay.
23rdNational Writing Day
30thSocial Media Day – Celebrate the great relationships (and friendships) you have built on social media. #SocialMediaDay

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

July social media holidays 2023

July and the weather should hopefully be hot and dry (we did say “should”…). Most schools break up this month and the summer holidays begin.

July social media calendar

3rd – 16thWimbledon. Annual tennis tournament. #Wimbledon

2ndWorld UFO Day – Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s #WorldUFODay
3rdNational Bereaved Parents Day – This was set up in 2020 after it was noted that there was no specific day.
3rdPlastic Bag Free Day – Raising awareness of the alternatives to single-use plastic bags – #PlasticBagFreeDay
7thWorld Chocolate Day – One of the most delicious days of the year! #WorldChocolateDay
11thWorld Population Day – With over 8bn people in the world, this day raises awareness of population issues #WorldPopulationDay
12thNational Simplicity Day – Time to relax and switch off for a bit. #NationalSimplicityDay
15thNational Give Something Away Day – What a great idea, give something away that you don’t need or want #GiveSomethingAwayDay
17thWorld Emoji Day#WorldEmojiDay
20th – Get to Know Your Customers Day – Again, another opportunity to get to know your customers and make sure they still match your personas. #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
24th24/7 Samaritans Awareness Day – Raise awareness of the work of the Samaritans and discuss mental health issues.
30thInternational Day of Friendship – Celebrate and be grateful for the friendships we have – #InternationalDayOfFriendship

August social media holidays 2023

Even though it’s still summer, this is when most businesses will be getting ready to plan their seasonal campaigns.

August social media calendar

2ndPlayday – Every year on the first Wednesday it’s Playday which celebrates the importance of play.
8thInternational Cat Day – #CatDay
9thBook Lovers Day
10th National Lazy Day
13thLeft-Handers Day – Celebrate the lefties in your workplace. #LeftHandersDay
17thNational Non-profit Day – If you are a non-profit, today is the day you can shout about all the amazing things you do, and maybe ask for donations too. #NonProfitDay
19thWorld Photography Day#WorldPhotographyDay
26thInternational Dog Day#DogDay
28thBank Holiday

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

September social media holidays 2023

This month features Macmillan’s infamous Coffee Morning, so brush up on your baking skills and raise money for a worthwhile charity.

September social media calendar

8th September – 28 October – Rugby World Cup
16th – 25thGreat British Beach Clean – Get your business involved with local initiatives #CleanBeaches

5thInternational Day of Charity – Charities are vital and help many people in the world. All businesses could use today to donate to a charity.
12thNational Day of Encouragement – Today why not post an inspirational post or even an image with a positive quote on it #DayOfEncouragement
19thTalk Like a Pirate Day – Ahoy there shipmates, its ye olde day of talking like a pirate.
21stInternational Day of Peace#InternationalDayOf Peace
22ndCar Free Day#CarFreeDay
23rdInternational Day of Sign Languages – Why not take the opportunity to learn a little bit of sign language? That inclusive step could be a positive for your business.
26thEuropean Day of Languages – Promoting awareness about learning languages.
29thMacmillan Coffee Morning – Time to raise money for charity and have a coffee morning. Why not have a bake sale and get customers to buy your cakes if you have a physical store?
30thInternational Podcast Day – Promote your podcast, or if you don’t have one, why not find out what your followers listen to?

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

October social media holidays 2023

The nights are drawing in and autumn is firmly upon us. It’s the month of cosying up, Halloween and pumpkin-flavoured everything!

October social media calendar



Black History Month – A month dedicated to black history. #BlackHistoryMonth
Stoptober – If you have been considering giving up smoking, this is the month to do it! If your business can help people quit, make sure you are promoting it this month. You can also offer tips and tricks to help those trying to quit.
Go Sober for October – Another charity day raising money by not drinking.

1st – International Coffee Day – Commemorating our farmers, roasters, and coffee shop owners, where would we be without our morning pick me up? #CoffeeDay
4thWorld Animal Day #WorldAnimalDay
5thTeachers Day#TeachersDay
6thWorld Smile Day – Show the world your best smile. #WorldSmileDay
10thWorld Mental Health Day – If you work in health then today you can post about mental health and some coping strategies. #WorldMentalHealthDay
11thDay of the Girl Child – Promoting a girl’s empowerment. #ThisGirlCan
11thNational Coming Out Day – A day to celebrate and raise awareness of the LGBT community.
15thGlobal Wave of Light – At 7 pm the world lights a candle for those that have had the heartache of baby loss.
16thWorld Food Day#FoodDay
19th – Get to Know Your Customers DayDrill down into your customers and find out what really makes them tick. #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
20thChef’s Day – A day to celebrate the chefs of the world.
21st Wear it Pink Day – A fundraising day for Breast Cancer Awareness.
29thWorld Online Networking Day – A day for businesses to network with other businesses. See if anything is happening locally, alternatively, do some online networking!

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

November social media holidays 2023

We are now firmly into the colder weather which means one thing; time to make sure you have your comms sorted for the festive season!

November social media calendar

Movember highlights the importance of men’s mental health and participants often try to grow the most spectacular facial hair.

13th – 20th Anti-bullying Week – Aimed at schools to deal with bullying. The theme will be announced nearer the date.

1stWorld Vegan Day – Celebrate being meat-free
2ndStress Awareness Day – We all know how stressful things can get around this time of year. Why not give your followers some stress-busting ideas?
5thBonfire Night – While some love this night, others hate it. If you have anything that could help settle pets/children, get posting about your products in the run-up to tonight.
7thPurple Tuesday – Aimed at improving the customer experience for disabled people.
9thSocial Media Kindness Day – In memory of the late Caroline Flack, today is all about sharing one message online #BeKind. You can even download a frame to go on your cover photo on Facebook and Twitter
11thRemembrance Day
12th Remembrance Sunday
12thDiwali – Indian Festival of Lights.
13thWorld Kindness Day – How can your business show how kind it is? Could it be a charitable donation (or giving staff the afternoon off)?
13thOdd Socks Day – Today marks the start of anti-bullying week.
14thWorld Diabetes Day – Raise awareness of diabetes. A great day to post something if you are in health or even food. You can share some of the warning signs, or even a recipe.
19thInternational Men’s Day – Raising awareness of issues men face.
20thTrans Day of Remembrance – A day to memorialise those that have been murdered as a result of transphobia. #TDOR
24thBlack Friday – Are you having a Black Friday sale? It is one of the busiest days of a retailer’s year. Make sure you spread your message as far and wide as you can, on social media, email, and your website.
25thSmall Business Saturday – Any small business needs to be on social media today talking about their business (it also happens to be one of the busiest weekends for shopping all year)
27thCyber Monday – This focuses on online sales, so get ready to use online platforms to promote your goods and services.
30thSt Andrew’s Day – A national holiday in Scotland where everything Scottish is celebrated. #StAndrewsDay

Don’t forget to download your social media calendar and template!

December social media holidays 2023

December will be a busy month for many businesses, there is just so much to do. We recommend that you plan as much as possible and schedule your social media messages in advance. You should also consider your opening hours over Christmas and the New Year.

December social media calendar

7th – 15thHanukkah – Jewish festival

3rdInternational Day of Persons With Disabilities – With 1:4 people having a disability, consider if your workplace has any barriers. #IDPWD
5thInternational Volunteer Day – Celebrate those who volunteer. If your business relies on volunteers, make sure you give them a shout-out on social media today.
8thChristmas Jumper Day – It’s the one day of the year when businesses get their staff to wear Christmas jumpers and make a small donation to charity.
24thChristmas Eve – Make sure you update your business hours for the festive season.
25thChristmas Day – Have a scheduled message go out over your social media wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
26thBoxing Day – A bank holiday in the UK.
31stNew Year’s Eve – Make sure you have a scheduled post to go out wishing all your customers a happy new year. #HappyNewYear

We hope you liked this calendar. Did you know you can download the calendar and template? You will get a calendar with all the dates on them, as well as a plain calendar for you to populate with any of the days noted above, as well as your own social campaigns. If you enjoyed the calendar, why not also sign up for our newsletter which has helpful marketing hints, tips, tricks, and the latest news?


LOCALiQ FREE Paid Search Benchmark Report

2023 Social Media Calendar and Template

Contains all of the key UK dates, plus an editable template for you to track your social campaigns.


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