LOCALiQ’s UK State of Digital Marketing Report surveyed more than 500 businesses across the UK, exploring trending marketing topics, challenges, budgets, and marketing goals. This year’s survey offered a treasure trove of data, featuring 850+ individual statistics. Whether you’re curious about satisfaction levels, strategic priorities, technology adoption, or budgets, you’ll find it all here.

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LOCALiQ UK State of Digital Marketing Survey & Report, 2024

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Marketing Satisfaction Statistics


How satisfied are you with marketing performance?

  • 10.5% expressed low satisfaction with their marketing performance, giving a rating of 1.
  • 41.8% reported moderate satisfaction with their marketing, rating their experience as 2.
  • 47.6% indicated high satisfaction with their marketing performance, providing a rating of 3.


Marketing satisfaction by area of marketing

  • In Social Media Marketing, 60.7% expressed satisfaction, 23.6% were dissatisfied, 12.7% were unsure, and 3% marked it as not applicable.
  • For Personalisation & Targeting, 40.6% indicated satisfaction, 35% expressed dissatisfaction, 15.4% were unsure, and 9% marked it as not applicable.
  • In Creativity & Innovation in Marketing Programs, 45.2% expressed satisfaction, 27.8% were dissatisfied, 19.6% were unsure, and 7.4% marked it as not applicable.
  • Regarding Digital Advertising, 43.5% expressed satisfaction, 29% were dissatisfied, 13.4% were unsure, and 14.1% marked it as not applicable.
  • In Cross-channel Marketing, 38.1% indicated satisfaction, 29.8% were dissatisfied, 14.3% were unsure, and 17.7% marked it as not applicable.
  • The breakdown for E-Commerce was 39.3% satisfied, 19.9% dissatisfied, 13.1% unsure, and 27.7% marked it as not applicable.
  • Media Mix Planning had 41.3% satisfied, 26.1% dissatisfied, 20.5% unsure, and 12.1% marked it as not applicable.
  • For Marketing Measurement, 44.5% expressed satisfaction, 29.3% were dissatisfied, 17.9% were unsure, and 8.4% marked it as not applicable.
  • In Customer Response Management, 48.9% indicated satisfaction, 25.8% were dissatisfied, 13.6% were unsure, and 11.7% marked it as not applicable.
  • Content Marketing had 52.7% expressing satisfaction, 25.4% dissatisfied, 13.3% unsure, and 8.7% marked it as not applicable.
  • In Brand Building, 57.6% indicated satisfaction, 22.9% were dissatisfied, 13% were unsure, and 6.5% marked it as not applicable.
  • Events had 49% expressing satisfaction, 20.9% dissatisfied, 11.4% unsure, and 18.6% marked it as not applicable.
  • Public Relations had 51.9% expressing satisfaction, 22.9% dissatisfied, 14.7% unsure, and 10.5% marked it as not applicable.
  • Marketing Automation was marked by 33.3% satisfaction, 30.3% dissatisfaction, 18% unsure, and 18.4% marked it as not applicable.
  • In Digital Strategy, 39.5% expressed satisfaction, 33% were dissatisfied, 16.1% were unsure, and 11.5% marked it as not applicable.


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Marketing Training Statistics


Where is more training needed?

    • 38.2% expressed a need for more training in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
    • Data Analytics was identified by 33.5% as requiring further training.
  • 30.5% indicated a need for more training in AI – Artificial Intelligence.
  • Social Media garnered a need for more training among 30.2%.
  • 29.5% expressed a need for more training in Campaign Strategy.
  • Content Marketing was highlighted by 27.3% as requiring further training.
  • 26.5% expressed a need for more training in Digital Proficiency.
  • 24% indicated a need for more training in Coding/Software Development.
  • 19.3% expressed a need for more training in PPC/Paid Search.
  • Website Design/Management was selected by 17.5% for further training.
  • 17.1% indicated a need for more training in Branding & Design.
  • 13.5% expressed a need for more training in Display Advertising.
  • Listings Management was chosen by 8.4% for further training.
  • 6.9% indicated a need for more training in Print Advertising.
  • 2.9% expressed a need for more training in other areas.


Marketing Strategy Statistics


Which marketing channels are part of your marketing strategy?

  • 53.5% incorporate Website/App in their marketing strategy.
  • 51.3% utilise Organic Social Media as part of their strategy.
  • 45.5% integrate Email into their marketing channels.
  • Digital Content is utilised by 42.9% of the respondents.
  • Display Ads are part of the strategy for 40% of the respondents.
  • Video marketing is employed by 40% of the respondents.
  • 37.1% engage in Paid Social Media Advertising.
  • 33.1% incorporate Organic Search Marketing into their strategy.
  • Events & Sponsorships are part of the strategy for 32.7%.
  • Direct Mail/Print Advertising is utilised by 21.1% of respondents.
  • PPC/Paid Search is part of the strategy for 21.1%.
  • Audio marketing is employed by 7.6% of respondents.
  • TV/OTT is used in the strategy of 6.5%.
  • Other marketing channels were identified by 3.3% of the respondents.


How important are the following marketing channels / objectives?

  • Social Media Marketing had 13.1% respondents marking it as not important, 40.3% somewhat important, and 46.6% very important.
  • Personalisation and Targeting: 14.1% not important, 45.7% somewhat important, and 40.1% very important.
  • Creativity & Innovation in Marketing Campaigns: 14.9% not important, 45.9% somewhat important, and 39.2% very important.
  • Digital Advertising: 17.8% not important, 44.4% somewhat important, and 37.8% very important.
  • Cross-channel Marketing: 21.1% not important, 47.7% somewhat important, and 31.2% very important.
  • E-Commerce: 37.3% not important, 35% somewhat important, and 27.8% very important.
  • Media Mix Planning: 23% not important, 50.2% somewhat important, and 26.8% very important.
  • Marketing Measurement: 10.3% not important, 49.4% somewhat important, and 40.3% very important.
  • Customer Response Management: 19.6% not important, 43.4% somewhat important, and 37% very important.
  • Content Marketing: 13% not important, 43.1% somewhat important, and 43.9% very important.
  • Brand Building: 8.7% not important, 37.6% somewhat important, and 53.6% very important.
  • Events: 25.6% not important, 43.1% somewhat important, and 31.3% very important.
  • Public Relations: 15.8% not important, 46.9% somewhat important, and 37.3% very important.
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): 13.7% not important, 44.5% somewhat important, and 41.8% very important.
  • Search Marketing (PPC): 18.1% not important, 46.7% somewhat important, and 35.1% very important.
  • Website: 7.3% not important, 39.2% somewhat important, and 53.5% very important.
  • Online Directories & Listings: 18.9% not important, 57.1% somewhat important, and 23.9% very important.
  • Print Advertising: 28.5% not important, 47.7% somewhat important, and 23.8% very important.


What are the most important digital marketing initiatives in 2024 for UK businesses?

(Scale 1-10, with 1 being most important)

  • Increasing sales revenue ranked as the top priority with an average rating of 2.72.
  • Elevating customer engagement emerged as a crucial initiative with an average rating of 2.83.
  • Reaching new customer segments was marked as significant, scoring an average of 3.92.
  • Boosting brand awareness stood at an average rating of 4.24 among the priorities.
  • Enhancing leads for sales teams garnered importance, scoring an average of 4.85.
  • Adapting to evolving data and technology standards was marked as a priority with an average rating of 6.58.
  • Reducing customer service costs was noted, averaging at 6.63.
  • Re-engaging inactive subscribers obtained a notable priority status with an average of 7.33.
  • Reducing costs overall was a significant focus area, scoring an average of 7.88.
  • Improving deliverability emerged as a priority with an average rating of 8.

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Marketing Platform Statistics


Which marketing platforms do businesses in the UK currently utilise?

  • Facebook: 30% utilise organic advertising, 33.1% paid advertising, 26.2% use both, and 10.6% do not use.
  • Instagram: 28.4% engage in organic advertising, 30.4% in paid advertising, 24.5% use both, and 16.7% do not use.
  • LinkedIn: 36.2% employ organic advertising, 31.9% paid advertising, 16.2% both, and 15.8% do not use.
  • Snapchat: 12.1% utilise organic advertising, 30.5% paid advertising, 7.1% both, and 50.2% do not use.
  • TikTok: 18.1% employ organic advertising, 27.8% paid advertising, 15.3% both, and 38.7% do not use.
  • Twitter: 36.3% engage in organic advertising, 30.1% in paid advertising, 12.9% both, and 20.7% do not use.
  • YouTube: 29% utilise organic advertising, 31.4% paid advertising, 10.6% both, and 29% do not use.
  • Google: 32% use organic advertising, 27.3% paid advertising, 30.4% both, and 10.3% do not use.
  • Bing: 18.1% engage in organic advertising, 34.6% in paid advertising, 8.2% both, and 39.1% do not use.
  • Threads: 21.6% utilise organic advertising, 25.8% paid advertising, 8.9% both, and 43.6% do not use.
  • Other platforms: 14.3% utilise organic advertising, 34.2% paid advertising, 13.8% both, and 37.8% do not use.


Which single marketing platform are UK businesses spending the most on paid ads?

  • Facebook: 24.4% of respondents are spending the most on paid ads.
  • Twitter: 16.4% indicated spending the most on this platform.
  • N/A: 14.9% of respondents did not specify a single platform.
  • Google: 13.8% reported spending the most on paid ads on this platform.
  • YouTube: 10.2% stated spending the most on this platform.
  • TikTok: 6.5% mentioned spending the most on paid ads on TikTok.
  • LinkedIn: 5.1% reported spending the most on LinkedIn.
  • Instagram: 3.6% indicated spending the most on this platform.
  • Pinterest: 0.7% mentioned spending the most on Pinterest.
  • Snapchat: 0.4% reported spending the most on Snapchat.
  • Bing: No respondents reported spending the most on paid ads on Bing, comprising 0% of the responses.
  • Other: 4% of respondents reported spending the most on a platform not listed specifically.


Which single marketing platform are UK businesses are seeing the best ‘return on ad spend’ (ROAS) from their paid advertising campaigns?

  • Facebook: 25.2% of respondents reported the best return on ad spend (ROAS) from this platform.
  • Google: 18.4% indicated Google as their best platform for ROAS in paid advertising.
  • TikTok: 17.5% mentioned TikTok as providing the best return on ad spend.
  • Twitter: 13.2% reported the best ROAS from Twitter.
  • LinkedIn: 6.4% stated LinkedIn as their platform with the best return on ad spend.
  • YouTube: 5.6% mentioned YouTube as delivering the best ROAS.
  • N/A: 4.7% did not specify a single platform.
  • Snapchat: 2.1% reported the best ROAS from Snapchat.
  • Instagram: 1.7% indicated Instagram as their best platform for return on ad spend.
  • Pinterest: 1.3% mentioned Pinterest as providing the best return on ad spend.
  • Bing: Only 0.4% reported Bing as their platform with the best return on ad spend.
  • Other: 3.4% reported other platforms not specifically listed as providing the best return on ad spend.

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Paid Search Marketing Statistics


Thoughts from UK Businesses about their Paid Search (PPC) approach

  • Best Keywords, Ad Groups, and Account Structure: 45.9% agree they are using the best keywords, ad groups, and account structure for maximum ROI in their PPC strategy, while 13.8% disagree, and 21.3% are not sure.
  • Ads Not Reaching Enough People: 46% believe their search and social ads are not reaching enough people, with 23.8% disagreeing, and 12.8% being unsure.
  • Bid/Budget Adjustments for ROI: 36.7% claim they know when and how to adjust PPC bids/budgets for optimal ROI, while 23.9% disagree, and 20.1% are unsure.
  • Increase in CPC: 43.4% have seen an increase in Cost Per Click (CPC) in their PPC ads in the past 12 months, and 17% disagree, while 22.6% are unsure.
  • Decrease in CTR: 29.1% have observed a decrease in Click-Through Rate (CTR) in their ads over the past 12 months, while 30.3% disagree, and 22.8% are unsure.

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SEO Statistics

Infographic displaying UK SEO marketing statistics (summarising key data from SEO statistics section)

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UK Businesses and their SEO Strategy

  • Businesses with an SEO Strategy: 61.8% of respondents affirmed that their business does have an SEO strategy.
  • Businesses without an SEO Strategy: 38.2% of respondents indicated that their business does not have an SEO strategy.


SEO tactics used by UK Businesses

  • Technical SEO: 56.8% of respondents include Technical SEO as a part of their business’ SEO strategy.
  • Content Marketing: 46.7% of respondents incorporate Content Marketing into their SEO strategy.
  • Keyword Research: 36.1% of respondents utilise Keyword Research as a tactic in their SEO strategy.
  • Backlinks & Off-page SEO: 34.9% of respondents include Backlinks & Off-page SEO strategies in their SEO approach.
  • Local SEO: 32% of respondents focus on Local SEO tactics in their SEO strategy.
  • On-page SEO: 32% of respondents incorporate On-page SEO tactics in their SEO strategy.
  • Competitor Analysis: 30.8% of respondents include Competitor Analysis as part of their SEO strategy.
  • How often UK Businesses Review their SEO strategy
  • Quarterly: 53.9% of respondents review their SEO strategy on a quarterly basis.
  • Monthly: 31.7% of respondents conduct SEO strategy reviews on a monthly basis.
  • Annually: 12.6% of respondents review their SEO strategy annually.
  • Other: 1.8% of respondents have an alternative frequency for reviewing their SEO strategy.


SEO Strategy Effectiveness

  • Somewhat effective: 57% of respondents find their SEO strategy somewhat effective.
  • Effective: 31.5% of respondents believe their SEO strategy is effective.
  • Not effective: 10.9% of respondents don’t find their SEO strategy effective.
  • Not sure: Only 0.6% of respondents were unsure about the effectiveness of their SEO strategy.


SEO Strategy Creation

  • In-house: 78.7% of respondents have an in-house team responsible for creating their SEO strategy.
  • Agency: 21.3% of respondents use an external agency to handle their SEO strategy.

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Website Marketing Statistics


Website Management

  • Self-management: 72.4% of respondents manage/update their business website themselves.
  • External management: 25.5% of respondents rely on an external webmaster/agency for website management.
  • No website: Only 2.2% of respondents indicated they don’t have a website for their business.


Website Traffic

  • Increase in traffic: 41.6% of respondents observed a rise in website traffic in the last 12 months.
  • Decrease in traffic: 25.8% of respondents reported a decline in website traffic during the same period.
  • Stable traffic: 22.1% noted no change in their website traffic over the past 12 months.
  • Uncertainty: 10.5% were unsure about any changes in their website traffic within the last year.


Website Optimisation

  • Optimised for mobile: 81.8% confirmed their website is optimised for mobile devices.
  • Not optimised: 13.4% admitted that their website is not currently optimised for mobile.
  • Uncertainty: 4.8% were unsure about the mobile optimisation status of their website.


Website Accessibility

  • Optimised for accessibility: 73.4% confirmed their website is optimised to be accessible for all users.
  • Uncertain: 14.6% were unsure about the accessibility optimisation status of their website.
  • Not optimised: 12% stated their website is not currently optimised for accessibility.


Website Redesign

  • Planning redesign: 77.6% intend to redesign or improve their website within the next 12 months.
  • No plans: 22.4% indicated they don’t plan to redesign or improve their website in the coming year.

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Content Marketing Statistics


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Content Marketing Strategy

  • Content Marketing Usage: 74.5% of respondents utilise content marketing as part of their current business strategy.
  • Non-usage: 25.5% indicated they do not use content marketing as part of their strategy.


Content Formats Utilised

  • Blogs: 59.5% of respondents include blogs in their content strategy.
  • Images: 54.1% utilise images as part of their content strategy.
  • Video: 43.4% use video content.
  • Infographics: 41% incorporate infographics in their content strategy.
  • Case Studies: 35.6% employ case studies.
  • Podcasts: 18% utilise podcasts as part of their content strategy.
  • Other: 4.4% indicated using other content formats in their strategy.


Metrics Valuable in Measuring Content Marketing Strategy

  • Website Traffic: 28.8% of respondents find this metric valuable.
  • Sales: 26.8% see sales as a crucial metric.
  • Conversion Rate: 15.6% consider the conversion rate essential.
  • Engagement on Social Channels: 12.2% value engagement metrics.
  • Follower Growth on Social Media: 8.8% find follower growth important.
  • Lead Generation: 6.3% focus on lead generation metrics.
  • Not Sure: 1.5% were uncertain about the valuable metrics.
  • Format with the Highest ROI
  • Blogs: 29.2% stated blogs have the highest ROI.
  • Images: 17.8% find images to have the highest return.
  • Video: 17.3% indicated video content delivers high ROI.
  • Infographics: 14.9% reported infographics having high ROI.
  • Case Studies: 10.4% find case studies valuable for ROI.
  • Podcasts: 4.5% stated podcasts offer the highest return.
  • Other: 5.9% mentioned other formats yielding high ROI.


Content Distribution Online

  • Repurpose Content Across All Channels: 36% repurpose the same content.
  • Even Mix Across Channels: 33% distribute content evenly.
  • Specific Content for Each Channel: 31% create tailored content.


Format with the Highest ROI

  • Blogs: 29.2% stated blogs have the highest ROI.
  • Images: 17.8% find images to have the highest return.
  • Video: 17.3% indicated video content delivers high ROI.
  • Infographics: 14.9% reported infographics having high ROI.
  • Case Studies: 10.4% find case studies valuable for ROI.
  • Podcasts: 4.5% stated podcasts offer the highest return.
  • Other: 5.9% mentioned other formats yielding high ROI.


Content Distribution Online

  • Repurpose Content Across All Channels: 36% repurpose the same content.
  • Even Mix Across Channels: 33% distribute content evenly.
  • Specific Content for Each Channel: 31% create tailored content.

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Marketing Technology Statistics


Technologies Currently Used in Marketing

  • Marketing/Analytics/Measurement Tools: 44% utilise these tools.
  • CRM System: 40.2% employ a CRM system.
  • Email Service Provider (ESP): 33.8% use an ESP.
  • Advertising Platforms: 33.1% utilise various advertising platforms.
  • Marketing Attribution Tools: 28.2% incorporate attribution tools.
  • Marketing Automation/Journey Management: 25.9% employ automation tools.
  • Content Management Platforms: 21.4% use CMS platforms.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): 21.1% use AI in marketing.
  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platforms: 15.4% employ ABM platforms.
  • Customer Data Platforms (CDP): 15% use CDP.
  • Data Management Platform (DMP): 13.2% utilise DMP.
  • Interaction/Personalisation Management Tools: 12% use such tools.
  • Other: 3.8% mentioned using other technologies.
  • Metrics Valuable in Measuring Content Marketing Strategy
  • Website Traffic: 28.8% of respondents find this metric valuable.
  • Sales: 26.8% see sales as a crucial metric.
  • Conversion Rate: 15.6% consider the conversion rate essential.
  • Engagement on Social Channels: 12.2% value engagement metrics.
  • Follower Growth on Social Media: 8.8% find follower growth important.
  • Lead Generation: 6.3% focus on lead generation metrics.
  • Not Sure: 1.5% were uncertain about the valuable metrics.


Struggle with Innovative Marketing

  • Yes: 75.3% of businesses struggle with maintaining innovative marketing tactics, strategies, and technologies.
  • No: 24.7% reported no struggle in this regard.

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Google Analytics Statistics


Usage of Google Analytics:

  • Yes: 76% of businesses use Google Analytics to track their marketing performance.
  • No: 24% do not utilise Google Analytics for tracking.


Transition to Google Analytics 4

  • Self-transition, Learning Phase: 54.2% made the switch to Google Analytics 4 themselves and are still in the learning phase.
  • Automatic Transition: 22.7% waited for Google to switch them automatically.
  • Full Utilisation: 20.2% made the switch themselves and are fully utilising the platform.
  • Won’t Use GA4: 3% stated they won’t use Google Analytics 4.


Impact of Google Algorithm Updates

  • Updates had Little Effect: 30.4% stated the updates didn’t significantly impact their business.
  • Decrease in Traffic: 29.3% experienced a decrease in website traffic due to updates.
  • Increase in Traffic: 20.7% saw an increase in website traffic.
  • N/A: 19.6% chose not applicable.

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AI in Marketing Statistics


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Utilsation of AI in Marketing

  • Currently Using AI: 43.8% are currently utilising AI in their marketing strategy.
  • Not Currently Using: 40.5% are not presently using AI.
  • Plan to Use in Future: 15.7% intend to use AI in the future.


AI Usage in Digital Marketing

  • Campaign Optimisation: 48.7% use AI for campaign optimisation.
  • Written Content Creation: 47.1% employ AI for written content creation.
  • Graphic Design: 27.7% utilise AI for graphic design.
  • Image/Video Generation: 21% use AI for generating images/videos.
  • Marketing Automation: 21% apply AI for marketing automation.
  • Customer Service: 13.4% use AI for customer service.


AI Benefits in Business

  • Increased Marketing Volume: 68.1% reported AI helped increase the volume of marketing output.
  • Improved Marketing Quality: 42.2% stated AI improved the quality of marketing output.
  • Idea Generation: 34.5% found AI beneficial for idea generation.
  • Cost Reduction: 25.9% reported AI helped in reducing costs.
  • Skill Gap Bridging: 19% said AI helped bridge skill gaps.


Reasons for Not Using AI

  • Lack of Understanding: 76.5% cited not understanding AI technology as a reason for not utilising it.
  • Perceived Lack of Benefit: 14.4% feel they wouldn’t benefit from AI usage.
  • Trust Issues with Technology: 9.2% lack trust in AI technology.


Expected Impact of AI on Marketing Team Size

  • No Change: 47.2% don’t anticipate changes in team size due to AI.
  • Expansion of Team: 34.1% foresee team expansion due to AI allowing focus on more areas.
  • Likely Team Size Reduction: 18.7% might reduce team size as AI can automate processes.
  • Utilisation of Google’s AI Technologies in Paid Search
  • Non-Utilisation: 46.8% are not currently utilising Google’s AI technologies for paid search.


AI Usage Categories

  • 29.3% use AI for budget optimisation
  • 20.5% use AI for bidding
  • 17.5% use AI for creatives
  • 12.2% use AI for audiences in paid search

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Digital Marketing Statistics – Challenges


Challenges in Digital Marketing

  • Accessing and Leveraging Customer Data: Ranked at 3.54 on average, this challenge involves utilising data from various channels and sources.
  • Defining Target Audience: Ranked at 4.12, understanding and defining the target audience is a significant hurdle.
  • Coordination Across Channels: With a 4.33 ranking, coordinating marketing efforts across multiple channels (email, social, display) proves challenging.
  • Understanding User Intent: Averaging at 4.7, deciphering user intent for enhanced conversions is another obstacle.
  • Lack of an Effective Strategy: Ranked at 5.47, the absence of a robust strategy impacts digital marketing success.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Averaging at 6.97, the challenge lies in fostering innovation and creativity within marketing strategies.
  • Proving ROI: Averaging at 7.27, demonstrating return on investment remains a concern for businesses.
  • Budgetary Constraints: With a 7.53 average, inadequate budgeting poses a hurdle in executing marketing plans.
  • Unclear Analytics Data: Averaging at 8.01, difficulties arise in interpreting and leveraging data obtained from analytics.
  • Lack of Training/Experience: Ranked at 9.31, the absence of sufficient training or experience in digital marketing is a hurdle.
  • Rising Competition: With a 9.82 average, increasing competition presents a challenge in standing out.
  • Absence of Marketing Software: Averaging at 11.4, lacking necessary marketing software hinders operations.
  • Keeping Up with Trends: Averaging at 12.12, staying abreast of new trends proves challenging in digital marketing.
  • Channel Attribution: Ranked at 12.13, attributing success accurately across various channels is difficult.
  • Idea Generation: With a 13.27 average, generating innovative ideas for marketing poses a significant challenge.


Internal Challenges

  • Gaps in Team Knowledge/Skill Sets: 32.7% identified this as a significant challenge, highlighting the need for enhanced expertise within the team.
  • Lack of Time/Time Management: 26.5% struggle due to time constraints, affecting their ability to manage tasks effectively.
  • Limited Resources for Team Expansion: 19.6% face challenges in growing their teams due to resource limitations.
  • Campaign Management Across Multiple Channels: 8.7% find it challenging to run campaigns successfully across diverse channels.
  • Integrating Digital Advertising into Overall Mix: 6.2% encounter difficulties integrating digital ads into their comprehensive marketing strategy.
  • Insufficient Design Resources: Similarly at 6.2%, they lack the necessary resources for creating ad designs.


Desired Tactics but Lack Resources/Skills

  • SEO: 38.4% wish to implement SEO but lack the resources or skills required.
  • Website Upgrade/Maintenance: 30.2% desire improvements in their website but face resource constraints.
  • Search Marketing (PPC): 27.5% aim to incorporate PPC into their strategy but lack the necessary resources or skills.
  • Content Marketing: 26.3% want to enhance content marketing efforts but face limitations in resources or skills.
  • Paid Social Media Advertising: 18% wish to implement this tactic but lack the necessary resources or skills.
  • Display Advertising: 14.5% aim to utilise display advertising but lack the resources or skills.
  • Organic Social Media: Similarly at 14.5%, they desire to improve organic social media but face resource limitations.
  • Email Marketing: 14.1% aim to incorporate email marketing but currently lack the necessary resources or skills.
  • Online Directories/Listings: 12.2% want to utilise online directories but face constraints in resources or skills.
  • Print Advertising: 7.1% wish to implement print advertising but lack resources or skills.
  • Other: 3.5% have additional tactics they’d like to implement but lack resources or skills to do so.

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Data Privacy Marketing Statistics


Data Privacy Changes Impact

  • Affected Marketing: 52.6% confirmed that data privacy changes have influenced their marketing strategies in the past 12 months.
  • Not Affected: 47.4% indicated that these changes haven’t impacted their marketing approaches.

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Email Marketing Statistics


Email Open Rates

  • Decrease in Open Rates: 40.3% reported a decrease in their email open rates over the past year.
  • No Decrease: 34.1% mentioned that they haven’t witnessed a decrease in their email open rates.
  • Uncertain: 25.6% were uncertain about the changes in their email open rates.

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Third-party Cookies Marketing Statistics


Third-party Cookies Phasing Out

  • Plan in Place: 39.9% stated they have a strategy in place to address the phasing out of third-party cookies.
  • No Plan: 30.6% admitted not having a plan to account for this change.
  • Uncertain: 29.5% were unsure if they had a plan to handle the phasing out of third-party cookies.

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Cost-of-Living Crisis Business Statistics


Impact of Cost-of-Living Crisis on Marketing

  • Affected: 66.5% stated that the cost-of-living crisis has affected how they conduct their marketing activities.
  • No Impact: 33.5% indicated that this crisis hasn’t affected their marketing approach.

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Marketing Budget Statistics


Marketing Budget Distribution

  • £3,000 to £4,999: 13.6%
  • £5,000 to £9,999: 13.2%
  • £1,000 to £2,999: 12.8%
  • £10,000 to £24,999: 12.1%
  • Less than £500: 10.3%
  • £50,000 to £119,999: 8.8%
  • Don’t Know: 8.4%
  • £25,000 to £49,999: 8.1%
  • £120,000 or more: 6.6%
  • £500 to £1,000: 6.2%


Budget Prioritisation

  • Advertising: Ranked at #1 with an average of #2.21
  • Tools and Technology: Ranked at #2 with an average of #3.05
  • People (e.g., wages, training): Ranked at #3 with an average of #3.19
  • Content: Ranked at #4 with an average of #3.23
  • Events and Sponsorship: Ranked at #5 with an average of #4.21
  • Account-Based Marketing: Ranked at #6 with an average of #5.11


Budget Cuts in the Past 12 Months

  • Yes: 58.5%
  • No: 41.5%


Areas of Budget Cuts

  • Search Marketing (PPC): Approximately 33.5% of respondents reduced investment in PPC advertising.
  • Content Marketing: About 31% of participants trimmed budgets allocated to content creation and marketing.
  • Print Advertising: Around 23.9% decreased spending on print advertising.
  • Display Advertising: Roughly 21.9% cut funds designated for display ads.
  • Social Media Advertising: Approximately 20% reduced budgets for social media ads.
  • Online Directories/Listings: Around 18.7% decreased investment in online directories or listings.
  • SEO: About 18.7% of respondents reduced spending on search engine optimisation efforts.
  • Website Maintenance: Approximately 16.1% reduced budgets allocated to website maintenance.
  • Email Marketing: Around 8.4% decreased investment in email marketing campaigns.


Annual Spending Breakdown

Social Media Advertising:

  • Less than £1,000: 36.7%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 31.3%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 16.2%
  • £10,000+: 6.6%
  • Not Sure: 9.3%

Search Engine Optimisation:

  • Less than £1,000: 38.4%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 31.4%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 14.3%
  • £10,000+: 4.3%
  • Not Sure: 11.6%

Search Marketing/PPC (Paid Search):

  • Less than £1,000: 34.2%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 32.3%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 10.9%
  • £10,000+: 10.1%
  • Not Sure: 12.5%

Content Marketing:

  • Less than £1,000: 39%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 31.1%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 10.4%
  • £10,000+: 5.2%
  • Not Sure: 14.3%

Website Design:

  • Less than £1,000: 29.9%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 37.4%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 14.6%
  • £10,000+: 5.1%
  • Not Sure: 13%

Display Advertising:

  • Less than £1,000: 36.1%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 33.7%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 13.1%
  • £10,000+: 5.2%
  • Not Sure: 11.9%

Listings Management:

  • Less than £1,000: 41.1%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 28.5%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 10.6%
  • £10,000+: 3.7%
  • Not Sure: 16.3%

Print Advertising:

  • Less than £1,000: 34.1%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 32.9%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 13.5%
  • £10,000+: 8.3%
  • Not Sure: 11.1%

E-Mail Marketing:

  • Less than £1,000: 39.4%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 30.7%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 12.4%
  • £10,000+: 6%
  • Not Sure: 11.6%

Brand & Design:

  • Less than £1,000: 35.3%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 31.7%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 14.1%
  • £10,000+: 4.8%
  • Not Sure: 14.1%

Conversion Rate Optimisation:

  • Less than £1,000: 39.6%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 30.4%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 7.6%
  • £10,000+: 5.2%
  • Not Sure: 17.2%

Public Relations:

  • Less than £1,000: 37.1%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 34.7%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 8.4%
  • £10,000+: 4.8%
  • Not Sure: 15.1%


  • Less than £1,000: 35.2%
  • £1,000 – £5,000: 31%
  • £5,000 – £10,000: 6.2%
  • £10,000+: 6.2%
  • Not Sure: 21.4%

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Changes in Marketing Statistics


Planned Changes in Marketing Tactics

Organic Social Media:

  • Grow – Do More: 49%
  • Maintain: 44.1%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 4.6%
  • N/A: 2.3%

Paid Social Media Advertising:

  • Grow – Do More: 32%
  • Maintain: 38.9%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 16.6%
  • N/A: 12.6%

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation):

  • Grow – Do More: 45%
  • Maintain: 39.5%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 8.5%
  • N/A: 7%

Search Marketing (PPC):

  • Grow – Do More: 30.7%
  • Maintain: 44.1%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 13.4%
  • N/A: 11.8%

Content Marketing:

  • Grow – Do More: 38.1%
  • Maintain: 43.7%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 9.7%
  • N/A: 8.5%

Website Upgrades/Maintenance:

  • Grow – Do More: 41.2%
  • Maintain: 40.1%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 13.6%
  • N/A: 5.1%

Display Advertising:

  • Grow – Do More: 20.3%
  • Maintain: 48.2%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 12.7%
  • N/A: 18.7%

Online Directories/Listings:

  • Grow – Do More: 17.6%
  • Maintain: 50.8%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 11.6%
  • N/A: 20%

Print Advertising:

  • Grow – Do More: 14.7%
  • Maintain: 47.6%
  • Reduce – Do Less: 23.4%
  • N/A: 14.3%

Approach to Marketing Trends:

  • Pre-Produced Long-Form Video:
  • Currently utilising and will do more: 22.2%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 34.5%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 15.9%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 27.4%

Pre-Produced Short-Form Video:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 31.2%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 30.5%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 24.2%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 14.1%

Livestream Video:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 21.1%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 25.6%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 23.2%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 30.1%

Influencer Marketing:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 21.3%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 26.9%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 16.1%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 35.7%

Interactive Content:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 25.1%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 28.3%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 21.1%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 25.5%

User Generated Content:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 22.9%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 26.9%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 25.3%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 24.9%

Virtual Customer Communities:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 17.1%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 29.8%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 20.2%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 32.9%

Pre-Produced Audio:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 15.3%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 32.9%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 20.5%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 31.3%

Live Audio:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 14.9%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 31.9%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 13.3%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 39.9%

Virtual Experiences:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 15.2%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 29.6%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 18.4%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 36.8%


  • Currently utilising and will do more: 23.6%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 28.8%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 22.4%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 25.2%

In-Person Events:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 32%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 35.6%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 15.8%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 16.6%

Social Media DMs For Customer Service:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 26.1%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 31.3%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 14.9%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 27.7%

AI For Content Creation:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 28.3%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 29.1%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 22.7%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 19.8%

AI For Marketing Automation:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 28.3%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 28.7%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 20.2%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 22.7%

Multi/Omni-Channel Marketing:

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 30.7%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 33.2%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 13.5%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 22.5%

AI for customer service (chatbots, Chat GPT-generated responses):

  • Currently utilising and will do more: 21.1%
  • Currently utilising but will do less: 32.9%
  • Not currently utilising but would like to: 17.9%
  • Not currently utilising and will not use in 2024: 28%

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Marketing Challenges Over the Past 12 Months

  • Yes: 79.3% of respondents feel that marketing has become more challenging.
  • No: 20.7% believe marketing has not become more challenging.

Confidence in Marketing Strategy

  • Yes: 72.4% feel more confident in their marketing strategy compared to the previous year.
  • No: 27.6% do not feel more confident in their marketing strategy this year.


Efficiency in Tracking Marketing Performance

  • Yes: 75.3% stated they are able to track their marketing performance more efficiently compared to last year.
  • No: 24.7% indicated they cannot track their marketing performance more efficiently than last year.

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Planned Changes in Advertising Spend Across Platforms


  • Increase Spending: 35.4%
  • Decrease Spending: 21.7%
  • No Change: 22%


  • Increase Spending: 24.7%
  • Decrease Spending: 22.7%
  • No Change: 25.1%


  • Increase Spending: 15.6%
  • Decrease Spending: 31.5%
  • No Change: 21.8%


  • Increase Spending: 16.3%
  • Decrease Spending: 26.4%
  • No Change: 24%


  • Increase Spending: 22%
  • Decrease Spending: 25.9%
  • No Change: 15.1%


  • Increase Spending: 26.8%
  • Decrease Spending: 22.2%
  • No Change: 20.2%


  • Increase Spending: 13.3%
  • Decrease Spending: 17.6%
  • No Change: 26.7%


  • Increase Spending: 13%
  • Decrease Spending: 15%
  • No Change: 24.5%


  • Increase Spending: 36.3%
  • Decrease Spending: 21.2%
  • No Change: 17%


  • Increase Spending: 22.7%
  • Decrease Spending: 17.6%
  • No Change: 23.5%

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Future Plans in Digital Advertising


Planned Actions in the Next 12 Months

  • 45.1% plan to spend more on digital advertising than last year.
  • 38.5% will expand their in-house marketing team for better digital marketing management.
  • 38.5% intend to use more creative automation in their strategies.
  • 35.3% are considering including AI in their marketing strategies.
  • 25.1% plan to invest more in digital advertising tools and technology.
  • 19.6% plan to outsource digital advertising more.

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Company’s Approach to Marketing Agencies

Building Expertise In-House for Digital Marketing:

  • 83.6% agree to build expertise in-house for digital marketing.
  • 16.4% disagree with building in-house expertise for digital marketing.

Affordability of Outsourcing Digital Marketing:

  • 56.2% express an inability to afford outsourcing their digital marketing.
  • 43.8% disagree with the statement that they can’t afford to outsource.

Preference for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Tools:

  • 74.5% are in search of DIY tools for digital marketing solutions.
  • 25.5% disagree with seeking DIY tools for digital marketing.

Preference for Collaborative Work with Marketing Partners:

  • 66.7% prefer working with marketing partners in a collaborative environment, sharing responsibilities.
  • 33.3% disagree with preferring collaborative work with marketing partners.

Preference for Full Outsourcing to Focus on Other Areas:

  • 34.9% express a preference for outsourcing all digital marketing to focus on other business aspects.
  • 65.1% disagree with preferring full outsourcing of digital marketing.

Desire for Provider Training and Teachings:

  • 62.2% express a desire to partner with a digital marketing provider offering training and teaching for increased self-reliance over time.
  • 37.8% disagree with the idea of wanting provider training and teachings for self-sufficiency.

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Factors in Deciding Digital Marketing Providers

Wide Range of Products and Services:

  • 69% consider it important that the provider offers a wide range of products and services, from DIY to full service.
  • 31% find it not important.

Expertise in All Types of Digital Marketing Solutions:

  • 72.5% consider it important that the provider has expertise in all types of digital marketing solutions.
  • 27.5% find it not important.

Expertise in Business Vertical:

  • 68.8% consider it important that the provider has expertise in their business vertical.
  • 31.2% find it not important.

Brand Recognition and Establishment:

  • 49.6% consider it important that the provider is a well-known and established brand.
  • 50.4% find it not important.

Single Point of Contact for Digital Solutions:

  • 66.1% consider having one point of contact for all digital marketing solutions used important.
  • 33.9% find it not important.

Direct Access to Specialists:

  • 61.6% consider it important to directly communicate with digital marketing specialists for each tactic, avoiding a specific point of contact.
  • 38.4% find it not important.

Understanding Business Goals:

  • 74.2% consider it important that their representative takes time to truly understand their business and goals.
  • 25.8% find it not important.

Provider’s Educational Offerings:

  • 70.6% consider it important that the provider offers education for them and their employees.
  • 29.4% find it not important.

Training for Self-Reliance:

  • 67% consider it important that the provider helps train them to become more self-service or self-sufficient.
  • 33% find it not important.

Offering Improvement Suggestions:

  • 72.2% consider it important that the provider offers suggestions on how they can improve their digital marketing.
  • 27.8% find it not important.

Local Presence of Provider:

  • 55.7% consider it important that the provider is local to their community or area.
  • 44.3% find it not important.

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Factors Limiting Outsourcing

Budgetary Constraints:

  • 71.7% find budgetary constraints a significant factor limiting outsourcing more digital marketing to external partners.

In-House Expertise:

  • 30.4% state they have in-house expertise, which acts as a limitation for outsourcing digital marketing.

Time Constraints:

  • 24.3% are limited by time constraints, hindering their ability to outsource more digital marketing efforts.

Understanding Business Goals:

  • 19.8% express concerns about external partners’ inability to understand their business goals, affecting their outsourcing decisions.

Perceived Need for Outsourcing:

  • 15.8% indicate they don’t perceive a strong need for their business to outsource digital marketing, serving as a limitation for seeking external partners.

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Ranking of Attributes in a Digital Marketing Partner


  • Ranked #1, with an average score of 2.08, signifying it’s the most sought-after attribute.


  • Ranked #2, with an average score of 3.19, indicating the importance of cost-effectiveness.

Good Value:

  • Ranked #3, with an average score of 3.89, reflecting the desire for services that offer quality and effectiveness for the price.


  • Ranked #4, with an average score of 5.17, indicating the preference for a partner who is easy to approach and communicate with.

Local Market Knowledge:

  • Ranked #5, with an average score of 5.3, showing the importance of understanding the local market.

Focused on the Customer:

  • Ranked #6, with an average score of 5.65, signifying the emphasis on customer-centric strategies.


  • Ranked #7, with an average score of 6.52, highlighting the importance of credibility in the partner.

Knowledge of Our Business:

  • Ranked #8, with an average score of 6.79, indicating the need for a partner that comprehends the client’s business well.

Reputable Brand:

  • Ranked #9, with an average score of 8.03, suggesting the significance of partnering with well-regarded brands.

Training and Support:

  • Ranked #10, with an average score of 8.37, indicating the desire for partners that offer ongoing training and support.

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Management Approach by Marketing Tactics


  • 36.6% handle everything in-house without assistance.
  • 52.8% use software or engage with a partner/agency for support.
  • 8.5% have all work completed by software or a partner/agency.
  • 2% did not provide a clear indication.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):

  • 33.3% manage SEO entirely in-house.
  • 42% use software or partner services for support.
  • 13.2% rely solely on software or external partners.
  • 11.5% did not specify.

Search Marketing (PPC):

  • 31.7% handle search marketing internally.
  • 42.1% utilise software or external partners.
  • 13.3% have all work completed by software or a partner.
  • 12.9% didn’t provide a clear response.

Social Media Advertising:

  • 42.3% manage social media advertising in-house.
  • 40.2% use software or partner services.
  • 5.8% have all work completed by software or a partner.
  • 11.6% did not specify.

Email Campaigns:

  • 44.4% handle email campaigns internally.
  • 38.6% use software or a partner.
  • 4.6% rely solely on software or a partner.
  • 12.4% did not provide a clear response.

SMS Campaigns:

  • 17.1% manage SMS campaigns in-house.
  • 36.3% use software or partners.
  • 7.3% have all work completed by software or a partner.
  • 39.3% didn’t specify.

Organic Social Media:

  • 50.8% handle organic social media internally.
  • 32.9% utilise software or partner assistance.
  • 9.6% have all work completed by software or a partner.
  • 6.7% did not specify.

Online Listings Management:

  • 28.1% manage listings in-house.
  • 39.1% use software or partner services.
  • 4.3% have all work completed by software or a partner.
  • 28.5% did not provide a clear response.

Content Marketing:

  • 42% handle content marketing internally.
  • 35.3% use software or a partner.
  • 10.1% rely solely on software or partners.
  • 12.6% did not specify their approach.

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