Many self-acclaimed marketing gurus will give you an approximate frequency regarding how often you should be posting on your social media channels to maintain and grow your online presence. The truth is, what works best will always change due to a multitude of...
Outsourcing to a digital marketing agency or a social media expert does not mean you have to hand over your social media accounts, lose all access and control, and sign your name in blood! When you use a social media agency, you still have full access to your social...
If you want to grow your audience on social media, and build your business recognisability and awareness in general, your small business branding needs to defined clearly. If you’re a small business wanting to; 1. Pivot your brand and change the direction of...
What are social campaigns? There will be times when as a business, you need to execute special, one-off promotions to reach a defined business objective. Marketing and advertising campaigns are often scheduled and incorporated into longer-term marketing strategies and...
Types of Social Media Advertising Wondering where to start with social media advertising? Well, it begins with platforms – the social media network you’re going to use to advertise on! The following social media networks offer advertising solutions for businesses;...
How to start social media marketing for small business and grow your social media following. When you’re an SME or a start-up, your social media marketing budget is very limited. We are here to help you hop over that hurdle and will teach you how to achieve social...