Industry: Automotive

About the client.

Our client is an automotive dealer in the UK specialising in performance vehicles and high-end premium cars.

What you should know

  • Our paid advertising campaigns achieved over 10k clicks and 91 leads in Q4 2019, followed by 14k clicks and 149 leads in Q1 2020.
  • In just six months, our paid social campaign delivered 180+ leads to the business.
  • Our campaign generated a 131% uplift in leads.
  • 420

    Online conversions

  • 131%

    Uplift in conversions

  • 500K

    Audience reach


Our client wanted to be able to measure the performance of the various elements of their business while having control over their budget.

The campaigns required a significant element of reactivity, as stock levels were constantly changing. We needed to ensure campaign content was always relevant to potential customers and their needs.

A presence across search engine marketing (SEM) and social media was crucial.


We formulated a detailed, granular strategy whereby we built a segmented account for our client per their business structure. This allowed us to control spending over the branded search and measure the return that we were generating for each of their product sets.

Client Centre allowed our client to see all their results in one place, which was incredibly useful for their sales team as they focused on converting leads into sales.


Our SEM strategy drove 10,000 clicks and 91 leads to the business in Q4 2019, followed by 14,000 clicks and 149 leads in Q1 2020 as our technology fully kicked in and used conversion-based optimisation to generate valuable leads for our client.

In just six months, our social campaign generated over 180 leads to business at a sub £20 CPL.

Overall, the campaign generated a 131% uplift in leads versus their old marketing strategy.

Proven results.

We’re dedicated to helping local businesses succeed.

Speak to an expert.

Start simplifying your digital marketing today. Get in touch to discuss how we can help you.