5 Tools to Help You Generate Awareness and Drive Leads

5 Tools to Help You Generate Awareness and Drive Leads

Nowadays, it’s not quite enough to just have a website for your business.   You need a variety of quality content and a strategy, persuading customers that you have the right solution for them. But how do you get your brand known to the right audience?...
Facebook Relevance Scores are No Longer Relevant

Facebook Relevance Scores are No Longer Relevant

Facebook has shed its relevance scores in favour of new metrics that it says are “more granular”.   If you’ve ever used one or more of Facebook’s many advertising options, then you’ll probably be aware of the Facebook relevance score. Basically, the relevance...
What is Search Intent? A Complete Guide

What is Search Intent? A Complete Guide

Keywords are the language of the internet. Seemingly simple strings of words, they’re the bridge between users and the information they seek. In SEO, everyone knows that optimizing for keywords are important, yet search intent for these keywords is often...